Dragonland Adventure


Note: You need at least 5000 points to get listed on the rankings. The data is not updated in real time.

Rank Language Group Server Character Magic Point Reward Operation

No.1 on Global Rankings

5-star Permanent Hungry Dragon (Glow)

Using 30000 Sweet Vanilla

Title: Dragon Tamer

From Event Store

5-star Permanent Block Sword (Dazzle)

Collecting 20 Round Dragon Rocks

3-star Permanent Dragon Whelp (B)

Using Round Dragon Rocks to Upgrade Dragon Whelp

4-star Permanent Dragon Whelp (Frost) (B)

Using Round Dragon Rocks to Upgrade Dragon Whelp

4-star Permanent Dragon Whelp (Flame) (B)

Using Round Dragon Rocks to Upgrade Dragon Whelp

5-star Permanent Dragon Whelp (Abyss) (B)

Note: The actual game effect shall prevail.


In Dragonland, you can throw Wonder Dices to move forward and experience various episodes. When you complete the adventure, you can feed Sweet Vanilla to Dragon King in order to win treasures!

Dragon Tower

You can challenge Dragon Tower in order to get Round Dragon Rocks, which can be used to summon and upgrade Dragon Whelp!

Cub Utopia

In Cub Utopia, Wolf Granny disguises as a statue, waiting for a chance to eat cubs! You can defeat Cub Thieves for a chance to get Tasty Turkey Leg, then use the turkey leg to increase Wolf Granny`s Action Points and unmask it to protect cubs!