Note: Collect at least 18,888 points to get ranked and receive the corresponding rewards. The data is not real-time updated. Due to network latency and server time issues, there may be delays in refreshing rankings. Please avoid operations between 23:55 and 23:59. Losses caused by operations near the ranking settlement time will not be compensated!
Total Points
- Language:
- Server:
- Character:
- Personal Points:
Reach 18,888 points to enable team formation.
Rank | Language | Group | Server | Character | & | Character | Point | Rewards |
Note: Collect at least 18,888 points to get ranked and receive the corresponding rewards. The data is not real-time updated. Due to network latency and server time issues, there may be delays in refreshing rankings. Please avoid operations between 23:55 and 23:59. Losses caused by operations near the ranking settlement time will not be compensated!
Rescue the Castles
Join Anthony and Jeanne to save the other 3 castles under control. In the Rose Kingdom, besides Auter Castle, there are Green Castle, Smith Castle, and Miller Castle.
Choose to liberate any 1 of the 3 castles. Only after liberation can you choose another castle.
Save the World
with LoveJeanne prepares Chicken Buns daily. Take them and set off to liberate the controlled castles.
Defeat the incarnation of the Castle Spirit. Weaken and defeat the Dark Overlord.
Collect Affection
PointsSpirit Shard contains residual dark energy. Refine the shards with love to dispel the dark energy and gain surprise rewards.
Refining spirit grants Affection Points. Accumulate points to get listed on the rankings!
Top 3 in a Single Server
Brilliant Title Box
Title: Latte Sweetheart (Female)/Mocha Gentleman (Male) -
Top 10 in a Language (Personal Points)
Deluxe Title Box
Title: Rococo Princess (Female)/Baroque Duke (Male) -
Refine Spirit Shards to obtain random rewards.
Garment Violet Dream Fragment
Point Stage Rewards and Refine Spirit Shards to obtain random rewards.
Mount Armor Tea Party Fragment
Top 1 in Global Team Rankings
Permanent Iris Whisper Wings
Duration: 2025.3.04-2025.3.24
Duration: 2025.3.04-2025.3.24