Gentlemen Ranking
Rank Language Group Server Character Gentlemen Points Rewards Operation?

Note: Collect at least 10 Gentlemen Points to get ranked and receive the corresponding rewards. The data is not real-time updated.

Ladies Ranking
Rank Language Group Server Character Ladies Points Rewards Operation?

Note: Collect at least 10 Ladies Points to get ranked and receive the corresponding rewards. The data is not real-time updated.

Regional Ranking
Rank Language Group Server Character Starry Points Rewards Operation

Note: Collect at least 18,888 Starry Points to get ranked and receive the corresponding rewards. The data is not real-time updated.

>> Click to Check Out the Details <<
  • Starfield Roaming

    Entering a starfield will activate duo travel and trigger romantic events. Complete romantic events to increase the exploration progress and earn rewards. After completing duo roaming, you will automatically enter solo tour mode. Accumulate the tour time to receive additional tour rewards.

  • Starfield Treasures

    In solo tour mode, you can start starfield treasure hunts. Consuming Starfield Compass to explore the starfield has a chance to find starfield treasures. You can also consume Splendid Stardusts to forge the Excalibur and receive sword rewards. Forging the Excalibur will increase Starry Points.

  • Starry Points & Rankings

    Collect Starry Points to claim starry rewards and compete in Local/Regional/Global Qixi Rankings!

  • 50 Ballad Fragments

    Permanent 5-star garment Nebula Ballad (Magpie)

  • 30 Ballad Fragments

    Permanent 3-star garment Nebula Ballad (B)

  • 30 Wanderer Fragments

    Permanent 3-star mount armor Astral Glimmer (B)

  • 50 Wanderer Fragments

    Permanent 5-star mount armor Astral Glimmer (Wanderer)

  • Starfield Roaming Progress 100%

    Title: [Starrider]

  • Starfield Roaming Progress 100%

    Title: [Moonstrider]

  • Top 3 in Local Server Ranking

    Title: [Shooting Star]

  • Top 3 in Local Server Ranking

    Title: [Gleaming Moon]

  • Top 10 in Regional Ranking

    Title: [Star Serenade]

  • Top 10 in Regional Ranking

    Title: [Moon Melody]

Duration: 2024.8.6-2024.8.26

Duration: 2024.8.6-2024.8.26


1. Heroes with more than 18,888 Starry Points can be listed on the rankings and give out gifts.
2. Use Starry Points to send gifts, and successful gifting can increase the Gentlemen Ranking Points or Ladies Ranking Points of the recipient.
3. Using the Starry Points does not affect the regional ranking.
4. No.1 Reward: Qixi Custom Halo. At the end of the event, 2 players with this credential can contact customer service to customize an exclusive halo. The player with more points will provide the halo template (customized text should not include any inappropriate, vulgar, or sensitive vocabulary), while another player can modify the color match and text (the first one to reach the same points will provide the template). The final effect of the halo is subject to official design.


1. Heroes with more than 18,888 Starry Points can be listed on the rankings and give out gifts.
2. Use Starry Points to send gifts, and successful gifting can increase the Gentlemen Ranking Points or Ladies Ranking Points of the recipient.
3. Using the Starry Points does not affect the regional ranking.
4. No.1 Reward: Qixi Custom Halo. At the end of the event, 2 players with this credential can contact customer service to customize an exclusive halo. The player with more points will provide the halo template (customized text should not include any inappropriate, vulgar, or sensitive vocabulary), while another player can modify the color match and text (the first one to reach the same points will provide the template). The final effect of the halo is subject to official design.


My Starry Points: 0; Remaining Starry Points: 0

  • Hanky

    Add 0 Points

    9 Starry Points

    - +
  • Hanky

    Add 0 Points

    99 Starry Points

    - +
  • Hanky

    Add 0 Points

    999 Starry Points

    - +

Gifting will cost you0Starry Points. (Do not affect rankings.)

You will gift     Points.