Conquer Toy Story


May 26th, 2020 to June 9th, 2020

May 26th, 2020 to June 9th, 2020

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There are 5 hot games in Disneyland, you can play each one for free once a day, and you can win Adventure Points in the games!

Hide and Seek

Children will disguise themselves as furniture, you need to find them among real furniture.


Each hole contains a mole and you need to hit them when they pop up!


Fight Master Roshi and beat him with Kamehameha.

Fairyland Treasure Hunt

Collect Blue Gem and Yellow Gem in turn to get 30 Gems to win Adventure Points.

Fox Adventure

Turn into a little Fox and hunt for treasure in Dream Island to get 1000 Adventure Points.

Fun Capsule

Put the Adventure Coin into the Capsule machine to try your luck and get various toys.

Toy Trade

Exchange your extra toy for new toy you don't have at Mr.EggHead.

Egg Fight

Claim egg from Mrs.EggHead every day and use the egg to fight with other players. You can find the option to fight in Interact.


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