Point Ranking
Rank Language Group Server Character Points Prize Operation

Note: You need at least 20,000 points to get listed on the ranking. The data is not updated in real-time.

  • Time Gate

    Colonel Louis discovered the magical Stone of Time as Christmas approached. The stone enables you to travel between the past, present, and future to embark on a fantastic time adventure. Completing the exploration can yield random treasures, Time Points, and Time EXP. Upgrade your Time Level to get generous rewards!"

  • Time Lord

    Powerful Time Lord (Star) and Time Lord (Moonlight) are lurking in the spaces. Use Time Chains to challenge Time Lords and ensure that people in each space can celebrate Christmas peacefully. Defeating the Time Lords will also yield generous rewards!

  • Icy Wasteland

    Soldiers in the honor legion get lost in the Icy Wasteland. Defeat monsters in the wasteland for a chance to encounter and rescue Cursed Soldiers. After rescuing all the soldiers, you can summon Snowman Chief on the Wasteland Altar and defeat it to remove curses and obtain precious treasures.

>> Click to view detailed walkthrough. <<
  • Top 3 on Global Point Ranking

    Morning Feather (Glory)

  • 30 Heroic Bearing Fragments

    3-star garment Heroic Bearing (B)

  • 50 Heroic Bearing Fragments

    5-star garment Heroic Bearing (Honor) (with hairstyle)

  • 30 Xmas Snowflakes

    3-star mount armor Xmas Chariot (B)

  • 50 Xmas Snowflakes

    5-star mount armor Xmas Chariot (Fancy)

  • 64 Xmas Snowflakes

    Morning Feather

Dec. 19, 2023 - Jan. 8, 2024

Dec. 19, 2023 - Jan. 8, 2024
